If you are not a reader I ask that you at least read this. Every day the first thing you do when you wake up humble yourself and meditate, reflect, pray or think about the idea of the greatest good in your mind. That great good can be Allah, God, Christ, the black family, Mother Earth, Africa United, your father, your mother and so forth. As you think of this great good ask it for guidance to bring about your greatest good. If you forget to humble yourself before your greatest good then punish yourself immediately, not severe but by way of missing breakfast or lunch, deny yourself one thing through the day that you enjoy. If you smoke weed, smoke no weed. If you love a certain television show, do not watch it. During that time think of that great good and meditate, forgive yourself by way of cleansing. Correct error immediately and live without guilt.
This book is written for people who consider themselves Black, Moor, African, African American, Jamaican, Puerto Rican or more emphatically those who were enslaved during the Trans Atlantic slave trade. Though some of us have established our own lands, such as with Haiti we are the World Orphans. The evidence that we are not with family is our language. Someone from Puerto Rico may have been from Senegal, but because he was bought by a Spaniard now speaks Spanish, just as I could have been from there I now speak English because that is who captured me. This is true for our brothers in Brazil, some of whom out of self hate will not identify with us but we have the same blood line.
This book is written to establish that we must unite and establish our own autonomous country that will trade with the rest of the world. We need our own nation and that does not come over night or over years. The slave trade officially lasted for more than 3 centuries, so it is only plausible that our condition will last at least that long. The only way to change our condition is like with anything else in existence, through processing. Generation by generation, half century by half century we must improve our state as a people.
I am asking all World Orphan brothers to take the time out and read this piece. I am asking that we all put our small differences aside and unify. We are all facing the same problems so none of us need to look down upon the other or publicly ridicule ones belief or desired identity. If you get nothing else from this book simply understand that this book is a mission to open the mind to compassion for your brethren.
In the beginning of this process what led us here was our tribalism. Our inability to be humble and peaceful with one another led us to this harsh condition we are in today. The beautiful thing about our condition is we no longer have language barriers and we have the ability to reflect on the tribalism that is obviously instinctive, but to reflect and control it. There are still tribal wars in Africa as well as in America and so-called Latin America and South America. We have Crips, Bloods, Moors, NOI, Hebrew Isrealites, Christians, Muslims, Atheist, Homosexual, Thug, Gangster, Businessman, Rapper, RBG, Panther, Democrats, Republicans, but what we do not have is an autonomous society, we also have no peace. Our tribalism and ego have led us to this point; we are a prime example that it is a total weakness. Our same innate self have also led us to realize we are survivors. No other people have survived an atrocity like the Trans-Atlantic, PERIOD. That within itself should reveal to you the lesson.
I have written this book with several personal excerpts of my life to show and prove that this is my true soul. I am not holier than anyone; I am not great nor primarily significant, because everyone is unique and powerful in their own right. That fact alone annuls any unique quality that qualifies one to be special.
Learn compassion for your brothers and sisters, there is reasons that they are lost. The reason they are lost is the same reason that you and I are lost, we are conditioned to be lost, many of us rarely even notice the subtle conditioning that goes on in our day to day lives. Before you look down upon another World Orphan no matter what their title is first think of the times you fell short and why, in that 30 second journey within yourself you will find compassion, forgiveness and a desire to help. This book is only for those who recognize that we are in a position that needs changing and who want to change. This book is for those who recognize the many fronts to a war and realize we are in a war. This book is my testimony, my life, and my belief that I want to share with you.
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